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Fetch Configuration

type Configuration = {
apiUrl: string | (() => string);
jwtKey: string | undefined | (() => string | null | undefined);
requestMiddlewares?: Array<{
name: string;
fn: (request: FetchArgs) => FetchArgs | TerminateRequest;
responseMiddlewares?: Array<{
name: string;
fn: (
response: FetchResponse<unknown, any>,
) => FetchResponse<unknown, any> | TerminateResponse;


This is the base URL of your API. It can be a string or a function that returns a string. This is useful when you need to change the base URL based on the environment.

apiUrl: () => import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL,


This is the key in the local storage where the JWT token is stored. It can be a string, or a function that returns a string.

jwtKey: () => localStorage.getItem("jwt"),


This is an array of functions that modify the request before it is sent. Each function receives the request object and returns the modified request object. If the function returns TerminateRequest, the request is not sent.

requestMiddlewares: [
name: "Add JWT token",
fn: request => {
const jwt = localStorage.getItem("jwt");
if (jwt) {
request.headers["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${jwt}`;
return request;


This is an array of functions that modify the response before it is returned. Each function receives the response object and returns the modified response object. If the function returns TerminateResponse, the response is not returned.

responseMiddlewares: [
name: "Handle 401",
fn: response => {
if (response.status === 401) {
alert("You are not authorized");
return TerminateResponse;
return response;


import { setupClient } from "Api/Api";

function App() {
apiUrl: "",
jwtKey: "jwt",
requestMiddlewares: [
name: "Add JWT token",
fn: request => {
const jwt = localStorage.getItem("jwt");
if (jwt) {
request.headers["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${jwt}`;
return request;
responseMiddlewares: [
name: "Handle 401",
fn: response => {
if (response.status === 401) {
alert("You are not authorized");
return TerminateResponse;
return response;

<>Your app</>;